Cowley’s Model – The analysis of hidden risks
The “Cowley” model is an economic model whose purpose is to calculate the level of risk concerning market prices by the analysis of internal variables
Envirogreen was founded by Ron Cowley, an economist with a master’s degree in economics and accounting. The company has existed for about 10 years and was established as a continuation of providing services to businesses within the various government ministries. The company’s services are diverse, but its focus is on the financial and business fields, where businesses receive insights for conducting themselves in an uncertain environment.
Among our services are business and financial support, outsourced accounting, economic models and costings, risk assessments using the “Cowley” model (also suitable for public companies), valuations, business and strategic plans, assistance in financing, selling businesses, fundraising and more. We work with all types of advisors and provide accurate tools for informed and educated decisions in an uncertain environment.
The “Cowley” model is an economic model whose purpose is to calculate the level of risk concerning market prices by the analysis of internal variables
Determining the discount rate for a project is a complex matter that may fundamentally change the viability of the investment in the project. To solve
Investors are required to evaluate ventures and companies according to a variable risk perception based on the analysis of financial data and the determination of